"A drinking club with a running problem"

Gothenburg Hash House Harriers is a family hash with both runners and walkers. All runs have a walkers' trail and a runners' trail. Most runs end up at someone's home where food and beer is served.

Cost is normally 120 kr and includes drink stop and circle beer, snacks and food. Beer after the circle is 12 kr/can.

Most runs are around 8 km and includes beer stop, hash views and of course down-down.

What is a Hash House Harrier?

This is GH3!

Read about us in Beernews!

On On

Next run 4/5 at 14:00, see Run Info

Sign up for GH3 Birthday Party on 7-9 June 2024!

If you need information on run times and runs sites please send a mail to


On this site you will find the following sections:

GH3 on facebook.

Run info
Receding hareline and information on hashing.

Special or theme runs and all day hashes.

How to contact the Gothenburg Hash and members of the mismanagement committee.

Hash links:

Stockholm Hash House Harriers

Westra Aros Gurka Hash House Harriers

Ludvika Hash House Harriers (FB group run by )

Copenhagen Hash House Harriers

Odense Hash House Harriers

Århus Hash House Harriers

Oslo Hash House Harriers

Pictures from some recent runs.